(Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images)
Chelsea Handler has issued a challenge to women to start supporting each other, in a passionate, political essay she wrote for Thrive Global.
The essay, which she penned in early December, is similar in tone to "Chelsea," her new talk show, which premiered in May 2016, and where, according to the New York Times, she pivoted towards politics "at a time when people's attention spans are fractured."
On her show and off, she has been very vocal about her distaste for President-elect Donald Trump, even posing naked on Instagram, showing off "TRUMP IS A BUTT HOLE" written across her back in a black marker.
During this past election cycle, she hosted former Mexican president Vicente Fox, who, when asked about Trump responded, "I mean it's nothing personal. Whatever he has proposed, and the way he offends, it's incredible that he can be running for president of this nation. That he pretends to sit in the chair that was occupied once by President Washington, or President Jefferson, or President Kennedy, or President Reagan. It's incredible that this guy with his crazy hair could be sitting in that chair."
Fast forward to days after the election, Ms. Handler, clearly upset, opened her show by saying that if Hillary Clinton could make it through a concession speech, she could make it through her "stupid television show." She grew emotional as she discussed the results with Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., saying, "I know for a woman, as a woman it feels so sexist."
Handler has emerged as a staunch supporter of female unity, so her essay "We have a problem With Women Supporting Women," in which she discussed the division between women who voted in the election, came as no surprise.
She lamented the role 53% of all white female voters had in electing Donald Trump, as opposed to the 94% of all black female voters who chose Hillary Clinton. She stressed the importance of not giving up and remained hopeful about a future under President-elect Donald Trump. "We can do better than this, ladies, and we will during the next four years as we stand up for women, children, the majority vote and American justice against the Trumpian whitemare. I know I can do better, and I will. It starts now."
Read the essay here