Editor's Notes

Well, well, well.

Where have I been? Not on the internet!

Trump won in 2016 and by 2018 I was so exhausted with the news, the media, social media and all that the internet had to offer that I just checked out completely. Because not consuming meant that I had more time to focus on myself. Does this mean that I finished my novel? No. Absolutely not. I checked out of that too. Told myself that I would put it down for a year and then revisit it. Never did.

To be honest, my novel is completely finished. But I'm not happy with the beginning. And I won't be satisfied until I find a a first chapter to my liking.

But yea, yea, what have I been up to? Changed jobs but I'm still in interior design. I actually want to start featuring interior designers that I admire and individual home goods that can add dimension to any space.

I also want to feature more manifestation content here. I might even change the name from "Right on Writer's Block." But I do love that name. Too bad it's so long! I am taking suggestions so feel free to drop any.

Anyway, here's to more daily content and more internet browsing.

Glad you're here with me!

Tag: Editor's Notes